Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Background 1- The Gelkis Raid

¡Warning, Mild Voilence!
It was a bright day, and nobody of the Desolace Wildmane tribe would have suspected that today would be one of they're last day's of peace.
Work went on like every other day, taking care of the Kodo graveyard and trading with the local Trolls.
However, the day did not end like every other day.
While Mea Wildmane was tending the old Kodo's, a fierce warcry was heard just outside the safety of Ghost Walker Post.
"I-imposible!" A watchmen shouts down from the lookout.
"There is a warparty of Tauren and Centaur coming this way!"

It didnt take long before the peacefull tribesmen where overwelmed by the Centaur, while the Tauren warparty silently watched the brutal slaughter.
Cries where loud, beggin the watching Tauren for help.
Hours had past and only a handfull of the Wildmane survived the slaughter, wich where put on display at the Kodo Graveyard for the mysterious Tauren warparty.
"I am Dagros Darkcloud. I am the current Warchief of the Grimtotem Clan in Stonetalon Mountains."
"Why have you done this!" Mea Wildmane screams, strugeling to release herself from the Centaurs iron grip.
Dagros looked to her, locking her in his eyes.
"Well, my dear, my sources informed me of the fact that you where trading with Trolls and Goblins. Kodo bones, food and shelter for fish, gadgets and trinkets."
He spit on the ground, scraping it with his hoof.
"This is unacceptable, for the Taurens should stay pure in they're way's, meaning no interaction with other races what so ever!"
The Wildmane stared blankly in anger at the Warchief, for they where captured by Centaurs alligned with this bull.
An evil smile develloped on Dagros's face.
"Oh, whats that? Are you being hold back by Centaur, and unable to do anything?"
The Centaur laughed hard, a crude laugh with only darkness in they're voice.
"Lets fix that for you then" he decided, clapping in his hands twice.

Soon, the laughs of the Centaurs faded away, making place for doubt and questioning.
Several Hunters and Shamans appeared on the surrounding cliffs, raising they're weaponry, aiming at the group in the center of the Graveyard.
Dagros turned around, slowly walking up to the settlement.
"Hereby i declare our agreement void, the raids on the Centaur clans will continue untill they are wiped out from our teritory." He said to a Centaur raider.
"If you dont wish to die with your friends, i suggest you bring the news back to your clan."
The Centaur growled, a sound filled with primal rage, turned away and ran off.
"What are you lot waiting for?! Kill them!" the Warchief shouted to the troops on the cliffs.

After that, it went black for Mea, as the Centaur that was holding her used her body as a meatshield for the incoming arrows and spells.

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