Thursday, June 4, 2009

Background 2 - Lies

3 years later, a young Tauren calf wanders trough the mountains forests of Stonetalon.
Squirrels flee up in the tree's when they hear his little hoofs scratch the rocky path.

"Hey, dont you want to play mr. Squirl?" the toddler shouts up in the tree's.
Light filters down from the leafs, into the child`s faintly golden eye's.
"Come, i have some nice bread~" he tries again, holding a loaf of bread upwards.
Slowly, the critter climbs down from his safe tree, interested in the bread.
In one fast move, the squirrel sits on the calfs hand, munching on the bread.
"Good boy. Come, lets go home again mr. Squirl." the kid laughs.

By the time the calf gets to his settlement, there is a big Tauren warrior on the lookout for him.
"Spots, hunting your squirrel again i see?" the warrior growls. "You are almost old enough to undergo your Rite's of the Earthmother. You should stop playing with your.. food."
The calf looks up to the black figure that spoke to him.
"Sorry sir Brom.." he say's timidly.
"You'd best run off to your tent now, you know that your Father doesnt like it when you're late for dinner" the warrior continue's.
"Yes sir Brom, right away sir Brom" Spots stutters, running off to his family tent.

Unlike most of the Tauren wandering the camp, Spots's fur isnt pitch black.
His mother, a white furred Tauren named Mea Wildmane, was chosen to be the wife of the camp's leader, the black furred Dagros Darkcloud.
The result of this mix caused his fur to be black and white spotted, causing mokkery from the other Grimtotems in the camp.
The warriors of the camp say that this is because of the strenght she has shown in a raid on her village, by the Gelkis Centaur.
After the Grimtotem clan had gotten word of this raid, they dispatched a warparty to save the surviving Tauren from these vile beasts.

Finally Spots reached his parental residence.
Silently he sneaks inside the tent, placing the squirrel back in its cage.
"Now you stay there mr. Squirl and.." was all he managed to tell the squirrel, untill he felt the rough hands of his father on his head.
"Talking to your pet again, Spots?" Dagros mokked him. "Well, that should be over soon. Come, we will eat" his father said while walking towards the dining area.
Slowly, Huakujuu followed his father to the room where his mother and stepbrother where waiting for them.

During diner, Dagros spoke.
"It has nearly been 4 summers since you arived in our mids, Spots. It is time for you to learn the Rites of the Earthmother."
Silence fell over the dining table in the middle of the tent.
Mea objected to the Tauren's idea: "But, Dear.. The first rite is the rite of strength! Spots is no hunter, nor warrior!"
"Indeed he is not wife! The Rites shall decide what good he will be for the glory of the Grimtotem clan!" Dagros shouted. "And i shall not tolerate disobedience in my household!"
In the midst of his fighting parents, Spots looked up to his older stepbrother, Grundig.
Grundig stared back at him, with something of a menacing look on his face.
Uncomfortable by the fight at the table and his brothers face, he excuses himself from the table to prepair for the Rites.

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