Monday, June 8, 2009

Background 5 - The Escape

Later that day, Spots and a group of Warriors rode out to Thunder Bluff.
Spots thought back at the events of the other day and how it may affect his future.
Concerned about his mother, who will most definitely receive punishment for her behavior earlier, he looked out to the man who saved his life.
Just as they reached the tree line of the Barrens, it all happened in a flash.

Several slender figures jumped out of the tree's, headfirst into the Warriors on they're kodo's.
Soon, the area was filled with screams that expressed the last dying effort to fend off these strange figures.
Spots closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the furious battle behind him as he rode further to the pillars where he would meet his 'savior'.

The kodo stopped as another of the slender figures put his on the creatures head.
Spots opened his eyes and gazed upon the figure.
Its smooth, naked skin was colored in a subtle blue tone, while his hair was deep blue.
As he never saw another race but Tauren, Spots was intrigued about the lack of fur on this figure, except for the blue patches on his head and face.
The most defining characteristic about the man however, where his long ears.

"Hello again, Spots" the Night Elf said. "Sorry about the force we executed, but i do not think your 'Caretakers' would have agreed with your decision to come with us..."
Another thing that still puzzled Spots.
The Night Elf was clearly not a Tauren or related with them in any visible way, yet he spoke a decent word of Taurehe.
"Hail, sir Crowshade. I am ready to leave" Spots replyed, semi timid.
He still felt uncomfertable about the situation after the Nightelf confronted him the day before.
However, looking back at the events of that fatefull day, it was indeed wise to follow the path he had taken that day.

His father had send an assassin to kill Spots on his Rite of Strength, but before the assassin could strike Spots down from the place he was asleep, a small patrol of the Venture Co. found out about the assassin, thinking it was an intruder.
The result was predictable, as the patrol group did not stand a chance against a full fledged warrior of the Grimtotem clan.
The whole time, a crow watched down from a branch in the same tree as where Spots was sleeping.
When the warrior raised his mace, the crow dashed down, attacking the Tauren's face.
By the time Spots woke up and collected enough courage to look down, the Elf was interrogating the warrior, before he put him out of his suffering.
After that, the Nightelf introduced himself as Banthallas Crowshade and explained the situation to Spots, after they agreed that it would be best for him to come with the Elf.

As the day's progressed, the scenery around them changed.
From Stonetalon they traveled through the northen part of the Barrens to Ashenvale, to cross Mount Hyjal.
After a week of traveling, they finally reached Moonglade, Spots new home.

1 comment:

  1. nice story, would be nice to see a comic too
