Thursday, June 11, 2009

the Dream 1 - First lessons

Note; These events take place in the future.
Spots Grimtotem is now a grown Tauren, and renamed himself Hyakujuu Wildmane
The story's written in this blog do not follow the normal flow of time, this is because i just use this to write down my adventures, before turning it all in 1 mayor story.

Hyakujuu woke up in a lush green environment, with small critters all over the place.
Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he heard a voice behind him.
"Welcome, Hyakujuu, to the Emerald Dream." Banthallas said cheerfully: "I hope you will enjoy your stay".
Hyakujuu stood up from his bed of moss and took a good look around.
Birds flew through the air, a chipmunk ran up the tree next to him, tree's grew as far as the eye could see and in the distance he could hear water crashing down.
It was hard to believe that this.. Dream.. was so real.
Yet, he could feel the grass and moss under his hoofs, the fresh air of the forest filled his lungs and the smell of flowers filled his nose.
"It is.. beautifull.." he managed to wisper, still stunned by the nature around him.

Banthallas, his teacher and first friend besides small animals, stood next to him, placing his hand on his shoulder.
"How do you feel? It must have taken allot of effort for you to Enter the Dream, let alone Walk it." he asked his friend.
Hyakujuu turned towards the blue Elf, but closed his eyes with a sigh.
"I.. feel good.., but drained of energy." he replied. He took another deep breath and looked up to the bright blue sky, seeing a crow fly by.

Banthallas smiled, something he did not do to often to other people.
"That is because Nordrassil lost its connection to the Dream a long time ago.. So, it takes a great amount of willpower, the power of your mind, to get a stable.. connection to the Dream."
He passed by Hyakujuu, walking towards a beam of light falling down between the canopy of leafs. After basking in the light for a brief moment, he turned back towards the Tauren.
"This is the perfect place for you to educate yourself in the natural world.
Many of the plants around you grow in the Waking world, some do not.
The same can be said about the wildlife you have already spotted."
Hyakujuu looked up to his teacher. The blue pigment of the Elfs hair colored brightly against the green background, as he explained they're reason to be in the Dream.
The Elf continued talking:
"Time is not a problem in the Dream. As you sleep in the Waking world, your body remains in a state of inner piece, while your spirit walks here, soaking the energy's provided by the Dream.
Now come, it is time for you to learn."

And thus, Hyakujuu learned about the wildlife and plants in the Dream, how to use them to cure poisons and diseases, which where edible and which had a devastating effect on the body.
As time passed, he grew more wise, always scribbling down notes in his Tome, so he could always read back his findings in the Dream.
Sometimes, he succeeded at making himself clear to the animals around him, asking them to gather leafs from the treetops for examination.
However, these attempts failed more then they succeeded.
This resulted in quite allot of work to climb the tree's and crawling up upon the strong branches.
Often followed by screaming and a loud noise, as he fell down from these branches.

After one of these failed attempts to climb the tree, Banthallas walked up to Hyakujuu.
He laughed as he saw the big Tauren laying between the roots of the tree, covered in dirt, leaves and branches.
"I see you where mistaking yourself for a monkey again, Hya?" he teased the bull.
"Maybe you should devote some time to study the crows in the Dream, i am sure they can teach you a thing or two."
After saying that, Banthallas bended forwards as he seemed to shrink.
His already pointy nose and mouth sharpened and formed a beak together, while his hair grew longer, sprouting feathers over his body.
A black fog of feathers covering Banthallas blocked Hyakujuu's view of what happened next.
But, as soon as the feathers dispersed, a dark stormcrow clad in leather stood where Banthallas disappeared. The crow looked up in Hyakujuu's eyes with something of a taunting glitter, just before he took off to the summits of the tree's.
After picking off a few branches with his beak, the crow flew back down.
'Amazing..' Hyakujuu thought; 'The powers that the Earthmother grands us are truly amazing..'
While the Tauren was still watching the crow, the Elf shifted directly to a graceful panther, just before touching the ground.
"So, when will the lessons start?" Hyakujuu asked the Panther.

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