Monday, June 8, 2009

Background 4 - Change in plans

Bear with me guys and girls, i has writersblock D:
2 day's later Spots returned, walking proudly with a big, dusty bag on his back.

"Well hello Spots, may i ask what brings you back to the village so soon?" Brom, the Tauren warrior mockingly looked down upon the calf. "Did you give up on your Rite already?"
"No sir Brom, i have not." Spots looked up with a rebellious spark in his eyes. "Father! I have done what you have asked of me! Come forth!" he then shouted towards the big tent, central to the settlement.
Several of the Tauren that gathered nervously looked towards the same tent, waiting for Dagros to come out.

It seemed as hours had past until Dagros came out of the tent, trying to suppress his surprise that his son came back from the Rite of Strength.
"Ah, Spots.. It looks like you are.. back.." he spoke, clearly in doubt about what he should do.
"Now then, uuhm, show me the proof of your Rite!"
Spots, that already guessed this reaction of his father, dragged the big dusty bag to Dagros his feet.
Then, in a brief moment, he dared to push his father further into doubt.
"Father, hereby i present to you the head of the Gnoll you asked me to slay" he said, as he took out a Gnoll's head out of the bag.
"Also, i present you the head of the Dwarf you asked me to slay" he continued, taking a Dwarf's head out of the bag.
"Finally, Father, i present you the head of your assassin, that you send to slay me"
As he took the Tauren's head out of his bag, his mother came running out of the tent.
"Dagros! What did you plan to do?!" she screamed, putting her arms around Spots.

For a moment, Dagros was to startled by the look in Spots faintly golden eyes and the fact that his henchmen failed the simple task of killing the young calf.
However, he wouldnt be the leader of this settlement if he didnt recover from such events without great ease, so he quickly spoke:
"You have overcome a great obstacle Spots, like i would have expected.
Come, you must be hungry from the great ordeal i set up for you and i am sure that you have a great story to tell us all."
The by standing Tauren nodded in approval, for it would be an excuse to relax and enjoy a feast.
However, Spots disagreed.
"I`d rather not Father, with your permission, i would like to start with the Rite of Vision before the sun sets again."
This changed the scenario for the Grimtotem Tauren.
They knew that Dagros could not change his mind about the feast he had promised, but also that he was obligated by the Rites to fill in the request of his son.
Clearly, Dagros did not know that Spots knew more about the Rites then Dagros had told him.
"Hmpf, very well then young calf... You have 1 hour to collect your items to travel to Thunder Bluff. There, you shall meet with our Elder, Magatha Grimtotem, for the Rite of Vision." Dagros slowly spoke.

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