Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Comic Page 6

Finally an update.
My Adobe key expired, so i need a new one.
AkA, i cant use photoshop for a while, and i dont feel like doing this in Paint, if you know what i mean xD

So, lets hope that the break doesnt take that long, i finally have something of a story in my head :3

Friday, July 17, 2009

Comic Page 5

Now, lets get to training!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Comic page 4

I should work on my storytelling.
so far, i feel it doesnt make allot of sense XD

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Comic Page 3

Comic Page 2

Introduction for the Teachings in the Emerald Dream

Druid Diaries, the Comic!

So, as I planned, i finally found a nice Model viewer for WoW.
I can use this to work out the webcomic, yay!

hereby i proudly announce the first page of Druid Diaries!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Toh'Taht Wichdocter of the Amani - 1

Tattered clothes. A dirty face. Yellow tusks sticking out of his snarling mouth.
It is Toh'Tath, a Witchdoctor of the Amani Tribe.

In his years, he build up a reputation for himself.
Countless of critters exploded, corroded or shrank due to his Voodoo Rituals.
They say that only he only cares about his pet frog, Fogo, and does everything to keep him by his side.
(which is bad news for other frogs, because they end up as experiments)

Due to his obsession with the frog, Toh'Taht was never able to get into the higher ranks of the Armani Empire.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

the Dream 2 - Airborne

As day's turned into weeks, Banthallas explained the basics of shapeshifting to Hyakujuu.
"Hya, you have to feel the nature around you, when you wish to shift your form.
The nature itself can grand you a spirit, which shape you take on to. However, it is your task to choose the right spirit. If you need to flee, you dont want to end up as a slow bear, but as a fast cheetah. If you need to handle a big foe, you need the strength of a tiger, not the agility of a bird."

As he spoke, Banthallas walked to a nearby ridge. Without any warning, he bended forward as some sort of mist covered his body, taking the shape of a bear, which then jumped off the ridge with a loud roar.
Shocked about the insane act of his teacher, Hyakujuu ran towards the ridge. But before he could reach it, a big storm crow flew up, right past him. Naturally surprised, Hyakujuu felt backwards as the bird hovered in front of him, turning back into a human.

"You see Hyakujuu, when in danger, there is no time to panic. If you fall down, you need to have a clear head in order to safe your life.
But for you, we will start with something relatively.. easy.
Since we are still in the Dream, the connection to Nature is much stronger.
I want you to focus and call forth a spirit to guide you.
In the old days, this spirit would become your Totem, your Spirit guide.
But, since the day's of the Totems have passed, this should not affect your training anymore."

Hyakujuu closed his yellow eyes and calmed his body functions down, as he searched for a connection with nature.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Misc Info 1 - Cast so far

'Spots' Hyakujuu Wildmane,
'Hero' of the story, he is the child of Dagros Darkcloud and Mae Wildmane.
Due to the mix of this pure black and pure white Tauren, Hyakujuu's fur is white with black spots.
This led to his nickname, Spots, which he was called in his younger years.
After being trained in the ways of the Druid, Hyakujuu took on his new name, to emphasize on his mayor change.
Despite the teachings of Banthallas, Hyakujuu is more a Druid of the Wild then of the Talon, but he still holds the way's of the Talon in high regard.
He also has a great love for small animals and is often seen acompanied by one of these critters.

Banthallas Crowshade,
Mentor and savior of Hyakujuu.
He follows the teachings of Aviana, making him a Druid of the Talon.
His signature can be found as a [Delicate Feather], which he keeps tied around his wrist.
'This feather is what binds me to my Teachings of Aviana, as it can be found on both the Children of Aviana, the Harpies, as on Elunes beloved Guardians, the Wildkin'

Dagros Darkcloud,
Evil badguy father (that sounds less cool then his role is, which still isn't that cool)
He set up a raid to Ghost Walkers Post for fun, somehow involving the Gelkis Centaur into it.
Of course, being the good Grimtotem he is, he murdered most of the villagers and all of the Centaur.
Charming as Dagros is, he has several other children besides Hyakujuu.

Mea Wildmane,
Sweet mother, born and raised in the Desolace.
Everybody seems to go with the story that she was a fierce warrior in her younger years, while she was actually abducted by Dagros.
Nobody knows why, nobody needs to know, nobody really wants to ask Dagros..

Thursday, June 11, 2009

the Dream 1 - First lessons

Note; These events take place in the future.
Spots Grimtotem is now a grown Tauren, and renamed himself Hyakujuu Wildmane
The story's written in this blog do not follow the normal flow of time, this is because i just use this to write down my adventures, before turning it all in 1 mayor story.

Hyakujuu woke up in a lush green environment, with small critters all over the place.
Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he heard a voice behind him.
"Welcome, Hyakujuu, to the Emerald Dream." Banthallas said cheerfully: "I hope you will enjoy your stay".
Hyakujuu stood up from his bed of moss and took a good look around.
Birds flew through the air, a chipmunk ran up the tree next to him, tree's grew as far as the eye could see and in the distance he could hear water crashing down.
It was hard to believe that this.. Dream.. was so real.
Yet, he could feel the grass and moss under his hoofs, the fresh air of the forest filled his lungs and the smell of flowers filled his nose.
"It is.. beautifull.." he managed to wisper, still stunned by the nature around him.

Banthallas, his teacher and first friend besides small animals, stood next to him, placing his hand on his shoulder.
"How do you feel? It must have taken allot of effort for you to Enter the Dream, let alone Walk it." he asked his friend.
Hyakujuu turned towards the blue Elf, but closed his eyes with a sigh.
"I.. feel good.., but drained of energy." he replied. He took another deep breath and looked up to the bright blue sky, seeing a crow fly by.

Banthallas smiled, something he did not do to often to other people.
"That is because Nordrassil lost its connection to the Dream a long time ago.. So, it takes a great amount of willpower, the power of your mind, to get a stable.. connection to the Dream."
He passed by Hyakujuu, walking towards a beam of light falling down between the canopy of leafs. After basking in the light for a brief moment, he turned back towards the Tauren.
"This is the perfect place for you to educate yourself in the natural world.
Many of the plants around you grow in the Waking world, some do not.
The same can be said about the wildlife you have already spotted."
Hyakujuu looked up to his teacher. The blue pigment of the Elfs hair colored brightly against the green background, as he explained they're reason to be in the Dream.
The Elf continued talking:
"Time is not a problem in the Dream. As you sleep in the Waking world, your body remains in a state of inner piece, while your spirit walks here, soaking the energy's provided by the Dream.
Now come, it is time for you to learn."

And thus, Hyakujuu learned about the wildlife and plants in the Dream, how to use them to cure poisons and diseases, which where edible and which had a devastating effect on the body.
As time passed, he grew more wise, always scribbling down notes in his Tome, so he could always read back his findings in the Dream.
Sometimes, he succeeded at making himself clear to the animals around him, asking them to gather leafs from the treetops for examination.
However, these attempts failed more then they succeeded.
This resulted in quite allot of work to climb the tree's and crawling up upon the strong branches.
Often followed by screaming and a loud noise, as he fell down from these branches.

After one of these failed attempts to climb the tree, Banthallas walked up to Hyakujuu.
He laughed as he saw the big Tauren laying between the roots of the tree, covered in dirt, leaves and branches.
"I see you where mistaking yourself for a monkey again, Hya?" he teased the bull.
"Maybe you should devote some time to study the crows in the Dream, i am sure they can teach you a thing or two."
After saying that, Banthallas bended forwards as he seemed to shrink.
His already pointy nose and mouth sharpened and formed a beak together, while his hair grew longer, sprouting feathers over his body.
A black fog of feathers covering Banthallas blocked Hyakujuu's view of what happened next.
But, as soon as the feathers dispersed, a dark stormcrow clad in leather stood where Banthallas disappeared. The crow looked up in Hyakujuu's eyes with something of a taunting glitter, just before he took off to the summits of the tree's.
After picking off a few branches with his beak, the crow flew back down.
'Amazing..' Hyakujuu thought; 'The powers that the Earthmother grands us are truly amazing..'
While the Tauren was still watching the crow, the Elf shifted directly to a graceful panther, just before touching the ground.
"So, when will the lessons start?" Hyakujuu asked the Panther.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Background 5 - The Escape

Later that day, Spots and a group of Warriors rode out to Thunder Bluff.
Spots thought back at the events of the other day and how it may affect his future.
Concerned about his mother, who will most definitely receive punishment for her behavior earlier, he looked out to the man who saved his life.
Just as they reached the tree line of the Barrens, it all happened in a flash.

Several slender figures jumped out of the tree's, headfirst into the Warriors on they're kodo's.
Soon, the area was filled with screams that expressed the last dying effort to fend off these strange figures.
Spots closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the furious battle behind him as he rode further to the pillars where he would meet his 'savior'.

The kodo stopped as another of the slender figures put his on the creatures head.
Spots opened his eyes and gazed upon the figure.
Its smooth, naked skin was colored in a subtle blue tone, while his hair was deep blue.
As he never saw another race but Tauren, Spots was intrigued about the lack of fur on this figure, except for the blue patches on his head and face.
The most defining characteristic about the man however, where his long ears.

"Hello again, Spots" the Night Elf said. "Sorry about the force we executed, but i do not think your 'Caretakers' would have agreed with your decision to come with us..."
Another thing that still puzzled Spots.
The Night Elf was clearly not a Tauren or related with them in any visible way, yet he spoke a decent word of Taurehe.
"Hail, sir Crowshade. I am ready to leave" Spots replyed, semi timid.
He still felt uncomfertable about the situation after the Nightelf confronted him the day before.
However, looking back at the events of that fatefull day, it was indeed wise to follow the path he had taken that day.

His father had send an assassin to kill Spots on his Rite of Strength, but before the assassin could strike Spots down from the place he was asleep, a small patrol of the Venture Co. found out about the assassin, thinking it was an intruder.
The result was predictable, as the patrol group did not stand a chance against a full fledged warrior of the Grimtotem clan.
The whole time, a crow watched down from a branch in the same tree as where Spots was sleeping.
When the warrior raised his mace, the crow dashed down, attacking the Tauren's face.
By the time Spots woke up and collected enough courage to look down, the Elf was interrogating the warrior, before he put him out of his suffering.
After that, the Nightelf introduced himself as Banthallas Crowshade and explained the situation to Spots, after they agreed that it would be best for him to come with the Elf.

As the day's progressed, the scenery around them changed.
From Stonetalon they traveled through the northen part of the Barrens to Ashenvale, to cross Mount Hyjal.
After a week of traveling, they finally reached Moonglade, Spots new home.

Background 4 - Change in plans

Bear with me guys and girls, i has writersblock D:
2 day's later Spots returned, walking proudly with a big, dusty bag on his back.

"Well hello Spots, may i ask what brings you back to the village so soon?" Brom, the Tauren warrior mockingly looked down upon the calf. "Did you give up on your Rite already?"
"No sir Brom, i have not." Spots looked up with a rebellious spark in his eyes. "Father! I have done what you have asked of me! Come forth!" he then shouted towards the big tent, central to the settlement.
Several of the Tauren that gathered nervously looked towards the same tent, waiting for Dagros to come out.

It seemed as hours had past until Dagros came out of the tent, trying to suppress his surprise that his son came back from the Rite of Strength.
"Ah, Spots.. It looks like you are.. back.." he spoke, clearly in doubt about what he should do.
"Now then, uuhm, show me the proof of your Rite!"
Spots, that already guessed this reaction of his father, dragged the big dusty bag to Dagros his feet.
Then, in a brief moment, he dared to push his father further into doubt.
"Father, hereby i present to you the head of the Gnoll you asked me to slay" he said, as he took out a Gnoll's head out of the bag.
"Also, i present you the head of the Dwarf you asked me to slay" he continued, taking a Dwarf's head out of the bag.
"Finally, Father, i present you the head of your assassin, that you send to slay me"
As he took the Tauren's head out of his bag, his mother came running out of the tent.
"Dagros! What did you plan to do?!" she screamed, putting her arms around Spots.

For a moment, Dagros was to startled by the look in Spots faintly golden eyes and the fact that his henchmen failed the simple task of killing the young calf.
However, he wouldnt be the leader of this settlement if he didnt recover from such events without great ease, so he quickly spoke:
"You have overcome a great obstacle Spots, like i would have expected.
Come, you must be hungry from the great ordeal i set up for you and i am sure that you have a great story to tell us all."
The by standing Tauren nodded in approval, for it would be an excuse to relax and enjoy a feast.
However, Spots disagreed.
"I`d rather not Father, with your permission, i would like to start with the Rite of Vision before the sun sets again."
This changed the scenario for the Grimtotem Tauren.
They knew that Dagros could not change his mind about the feast he had promised, but also that he was obligated by the Rites to fill in the request of his son.
Clearly, Dagros did not know that Spots knew more about the Rites then Dagros had told him.
"Hmpf, very well then young calf... You have 1 hour to collect your items to travel to Thunder Bluff. There, you shall meet with our Elder, Magatha Grimtotem, for the Rite of Vision." Dagros slowly spoke.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Background 3 - Rites of the Earthmother

After the night had passed, Dargos rudely woke his son, Hyakujuu.
"Wake up Spots, the time has come for the bird to leave the nest."
Still drunk from sleeping, the young Tauren got out of his bed and got dressed.
His father waited impatiently outside, breathing the cold mountain's air.

"Now then Spots" Dargos spoke;
"The first Rite is the Rite of Strenght. We have a different approach to this rite then our other Tauren brethren. These mountains are free from the Quilboars that infest most of our lands, mostly because we managed to exterminate them all." Dargos paused a moment to crack his dark smile.
Hyakujuu patiently looked up to his laughing father, waiting for him to continue his story, for he knew what kind of punishment he would get if he spoke his mind.
Dargos dried his tears of joy and continued: "So, you`ll have to do something about the Venture Company instead. You have 3 days to kill either a Dwarf, Gnome, Gnoll or whatever there and bring me back his head. Only then, you will pass this test!"
Spots looked up to his father, trying to keep his face straight. Killing somebody, anybody, was not something he looked forward to.
Whatever would happen, it would be no use to argue with his father.
So, Spots took his mace and food packets and left towards Windshear Crag.

Background 2 - Lies

3 years later, a young Tauren calf wanders trough the mountains forests of Stonetalon.
Squirrels flee up in the tree's when they hear his little hoofs scratch the rocky path.

"Hey, dont you want to play mr. Squirl?" the toddler shouts up in the tree's.
Light filters down from the leafs, into the child`s faintly golden eye's.
"Come, i have some nice bread~" he tries again, holding a loaf of bread upwards.
Slowly, the critter climbs down from his safe tree, interested in the bread.
In one fast move, the squirrel sits on the calfs hand, munching on the bread.
"Good boy. Come, lets go home again mr. Squirl." the kid laughs.

By the time the calf gets to his settlement, there is a big Tauren warrior on the lookout for him.
"Spots, hunting your squirrel again i see?" the warrior growls. "You are almost old enough to undergo your Rite's of the Earthmother. You should stop playing with your.. food."
The calf looks up to the black figure that spoke to him.
"Sorry sir Brom.." he say's timidly.
"You'd best run off to your tent now, you know that your Father doesnt like it when you're late for dinner" the warrior continue's.
"Yes sir Brom, right away sir Brom" Spots stutters, running off to his family tent.

Unlike most of the Tauren wandering the camp, Spots's fur isnt pitch black.
His mother, a white furred Tauren named Mea Wildmane, was chosen to be the wife of the camp's leader, the black furred Dagros Darkcloud.
The result of this mix caused his fur to be black and white spotted, causing mokkery from the other Grimtotems in the camp.
The warriors of the camp say that this is because of the strenght she has shown in a raid on her village, by the Gelkis Centaur.
After the Grimtotem clan had gotten word of this raid, they dispatched a warparty to save the surviving Tauren from these vile beasts.

Finally Spots reached his parental residence.
Silently he sneaks inside the tent, placing the squirrel back in its cage.
"Now you stay there mr. Squirl and.." was all he managed to tell the squirrel, untill he felt the rough hands of his father on his head.
"Talking to your pet again, Spots?" Dagros mokked him. "Well, that should be over soon. Come, we will eat" his father said while walking towards the dining area.
Slowly, Huakujuu followed his father to the room where his mother and stepbrother where waiting for them.

During diner, Dagros spoke.
"It has nearly been 4 summers since you arived in our mids, Spots. It is time for you to learn the Rites of the Earthmother."
Silence fell over the dining table in the middle of the tent.
Mea objected to the Tauren's idea: "But, Dear.. The first rite is the rite of strength! Spots is no hunter, nor warrior!"
"Indeed he is not wife! The Rites shall decide what good he will be for the glory of the Grimtotem clan!" Dagros shouted. "And i shall not tolerate disobedience in my household!"
In the midst of his fighting parents, Spots looked up to his older stepbrother, Grundig.
Grundig stared back at him, with something of a menacing look on his face.
Uncomfortable by the fight at the table and his brothers face, he excuses himself from the table to prepair for the Rites.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Background 1- The Gelkis Raid

¡Warning, Mild Voilence!
It was a bright day, and nobody of the Desolace Wildmane tribe would have suspected that today would be one of they're last day's of peace.
Work went on like every other day, taking care of the Kodo graveyard and trading with the local Trolls.
However, the day did not end like every other day.
While Mea Wildmane was tending the old Kodo's, a fierce warcry was heard just outside the safety of Ghost Walker Post.
"I-imposible!" A watchmen shouts down from the lookout.
"There is a warparty of Tauren and Centaur coming this way!"

It didnt take long before the peacefull tribesmen where overwelmed by the Centaur, while the Tauren warparty silently watched the brutal slaughter.
Cries where loud, beggin the watching Tauren for help.
Hours had past and only a handfull of the Wildmane survived the slaughter, wich where put on display at the Kodo Graveyard for the mysterious Tauren warparty.
"I am Dagros Darkcloud. I am the current Warchief of the Grimtotem Clan in Stonetalon Mountains."
"Why have you done this!" Mea Wildmane screams, strugeling to release herself from the Centaurs iron grip.
Dagros looked to her, locking her in his eyes.
"Well, my dear, my sources informed me of the fact that you where trading with Trolls and Goblins. Kodo bones, food and shelter for fish, gadgets and trinkets."
He spit on the ground, scraping it with his hoof.
"This is unacceptable, for the Taurens should stay pure in they're way's, meaning no interaction with other races what so ever!"
The Wildmane stared blankly in anger at the Warchief, for they where captured by Centaurs alligned with this bull.
An evil smile develloped on Dagros's face.
"Oh, whats that? Are you being hold back by Centaur, and unable to do anything?"
The Centaur laughed hard, a crude laugh with only darkness in they're voice.
"Lets fix that for you then" he decided, clapping in his hands twice.

Soon, the laughs of the Centaurs faded away, making place for doubt and questioning.
Several Hunters and Shamans appeared on the surrounding cliffs, raising they're weaponry, aiming at the group in the center of the Graveyard.
Dagros turned around, slowly walking up to the settlement.
"Hereby i declare our agreement void, the raids on the Centaur clans will continue untill they are wiped out from our teritory." He said to a Centaur raider.
"If you dont wish to die with your friends, i suggest you bring the news back to your clan."
The Centaur growled, a sound filled with primal rage, turned away and ran off.
"What are you lot waiting for?! Kill them!" the Warchief shouted to the troops on the cliffs.

After that, it went black for Mea, as the Centaur that was holding her used her body as a meatshield for the incoming arrows and spells.


Welcome to the first entry of the Druids Diaries.
Here i will post my own Lore and storylines i have for my Tauren Druid; Hyakujuu.

Who knows, when i have enough positive feedback, i might make a webcomic for it,
and later even an animation :3
